To help the foreign experts and foreign teachers complete
the teaching work and ensure the security of the foreign experts and foreign
teachers, hereby, make the code for foreign teachers.
Article 1 Abide by rules and regulations of Chinese
government. Respect Chinese people's cultural customs, habits and religious
beliefs; observe the school's various rules and regulations, and do not harm
the feelings of the Chinese people.
第一条 遵守中国政府的法律、法规;尊重中国人民的文化习俗、生活习惯及宗教信仰;遵守学校的各种规章制度,不做有损于中国人民感情的事。
Article 2 The school shall not interfere with foreign
teachers' freedom of religious belief, but foreign teachers shall not spread
the speech that goes against our government and policy in any place, in any
way, and foreign teachers shall not interfere with Chinese internal affairs.
missionary activities, religious propaganda, developing Christians by any
means as well as sending out religious books or materials to the students in the
name of teaching are forbidden. We will punish the person who goes against the
rules above according to the contract and Chinese relevant laws and regulations.
第二条 学校不干涉外教的宗教信仰自由,但外专、外教不得在任何场所,以任何方式,散布攻击我国政府和政策法令的言论,干涉我国内政;不得以任何方式进行传教活动、宗教宣传或发展教徒,不得以教学名义在我学生中散发宗教书籍或材料。对违反上述规定者,根据合同和我国有关法律规定处理。
Article 3 Foreign experts and foreign teachers can enjoy
two days' leave during Christmas holiday in addition to Chinese legal holidays.
第三条 外专、外教除按中国法定节假日休假外,可享受圣诞节休假两天。
Article 4 Foreign experts and foreign teachers shall not
be engaged in social work which has nothing to do with teaching, such as taking
part-time jobs or doing business and so on.
In case any unit or individuals invites
foreign experts, foreign teachers for short-term lectures or jobs ,the foreign
experts and foreign teachers shall report to the office of International
exchange and cooperation (OIEC) and shall be invited to after the school leaders' permission. Personal safety and all
expenses lie with themselves .They should be responsible for the accident
outside of the school when they disobey the provisions of the local government.
The foreign teachers shall not conduct social investigations among teachers and
students which have nothing to do with teaching.
第四条 外专、外教不得从事与教学无关的社会工作,如私自到外单位兼职工作、经商等。如遇单位或个人请外专、外教作短期讲学或工作,需报国际交流合作处(以下简称国合处)并经请示学校主管领导同意后方可应邀前往,人身安全和所有开支全由自己负责,在校园外违反当地政府有关规定而造成的责任和意外由本人负责。外专、外教不得在师生中进行与教学无关的社会调查。
Article 5 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall report
to OIEC and inform them of the contact method when they leave the city
for any reason or go traveling for holiday and they shall abide by traffic
rules and other provisions during traveling or engaging in out-of-school activities
and be responsible for themselves for any violation of regulations.
第五条 外专、外教因故离开市区或节假日外出旅游,须向国合处和教学院部报告去向及联系方式。外出旅游或从事其它校外活动,必须遵守有关交通及人身安全等规定,因违反规定或私自外出而发生的一切问题,均由外专、外教自负。
Article 6 Drugs, gambling, prostitution and other illegal
acts are strictly prohibited among foreign
experts, foreign teachers, once discovered, they will be fired and investigated for legal liability as well as
forced to leave the school and the country at their own expense within a definite
time ; if alcoholism and other bad behavior are found and they still don't
change after criticism and warning twice, they would be terminated and forced
to leave the school and the country within a definite time at their own
第六条 外专、外教严禁吸毒、赌博、嫖娼等不法行为,一经发现,解除聘用合同,依法追究其法律责任,并限期离校出境,离华费用自理;如有酗酒等不良行为,经批评教育2次仍不改正者,解除聘用合同,限期离校出境,离华费用自理。
Article 7 Foreign teachers' teaching management is in the
charge of Teaching Affairs Department and their unit who is responsible for
detailed teaching tasks. Foreign Experts, foreign teachers should complete
teaching tasks under arrangements and comply with the teachers' working system
as well as ensure teaching quality.
第七条 专家、外教的教学管理由教务处和专家、外教所在的教学单位负责,具体教学任务由所在教学单位安排。外专、外教应根据安排完成教学任务,遵守教师工作制度,并确保质量。
Article 8 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall
strictly carry out the school's teaching plan and teaching program, and make
specific teaching plans according to work tasks offered by the school, teaching
according to the requirements of the teaching program, and complete the
teaching tasks on schedule.
第八条 外专、外教应严格执行学校的教学计划和教学大纲,并根据学校提供的工作任务制定出具体的教学方案,按教学大纲的要求进行教学,按期完成教学任务。
Article 9 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall teach
with teaching materials offered by the school. Foreign experts and foreign
teachers are welcomed to add some necessary materials to the main teaching
materials , and recommend, offer or assist the introduction of more advanced foreign
teaching materials, but the audio-visual supplementary teaching materials
provided by the foreign experts and foreign teachers should comply with Chinese
laws and be conducive to teaching .
第九条 外专、外教应使用学校提供的教材教学。欢迎外专、外教根据主要教材补充必要的资料,推荐、提供或协助引进国外比较先进的教材,但外专、外教提供的视听辅助教材应符合中国法律规定而又利于教学。
Article 10 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall
prepare lessons earnestly and teach according to the course in the classroom.
Advanced and appropriate teaching methods can be used for teaching according to
the teaching contents and students' ability to accept, but some teaching
activities having nothing to do with teaching are not acceptable.
第十条 外专、外教应认真备课,在课堂上应围绕课程讲学。可以根据教学内容和学生的接受能力采用先进、适宜的教学方法进行教学,但不宜进行与教学无关的活动。
Article 11 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall do
well with all relevant teaching work, including: seriously setting homework and
correcting homework for students, extracurricular
counseling and answering questions, arranging tests, as well as scoring and
commenting objectively.
第十一条 外专、外教须做好与教学相关的一切工作,包括:认真布置和批改作业、努力做好课外辅导答疑、安排测验、客观评分评语等。
Article 12 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall be strict
with students in teaching, and listen to students' opinions on teaching;
Strengthen the classroom discipline and set homework and correct students'
papers carefully. They should do well in extracurricular counseling and
answering questions. Strictly implement examination system and adhere to the
scoring criteria.
第十二条 外专、外教在教学中严格要求学生,并注意听取学生对教学的意见;加强课堂纪律,认真布置和批改作业,做好课外辅导和答疑工作。严格执行考试制度,坚持评分标准。
Article 13 Foreign experts and foreign teachers should
present the course schedule to the Ministry of Education College and the Office of International exchange and Cooperation in the 2nd week of each
semester. Within one week before the ending of a semester, foreign teachers
should present the teaching work summary to the Ministry of Education College
and the Office of International Communication and Cooperation. After the final
exams, foreign teachers should return the used teaching materials, the
assistant teaching materials and other relevant teaching materials to the
Ministry of Education College.
teachers should take an active part in secondary classroom activities,
including the English corner, salons, professional communities, and guide the
student to enter the English contest, so as to create a good English atmosphere
for the students.
Provide several
training lectures to Chinese teachers according to the practical needs.
第十三条 每学期开学第2个星期应向教学院部和国合处递交教学进度表;学期结束前1个星期应向教学院部和国合处递交教学工作总结。外教所讲课程期末考试结束后,应向教学院部交回所用的教材、教辅材料及其它教学资料。
Article 14 The foreign experts, foreign teachers shall
accept semester inspections in lectures and other forms by the school leader,
the Office of International Communication and Cooperation ,Teaching Department,
Education and Research group of the Institute led by the department or
responsible person of the Department and
cooperative teacher .
第十四条 外专、外教应接受学校领导、国合处、教务处、教学院部领导学科组或教研室负责人及合作教师听课或其它方式进行的教学检查。
Article 15 Foreign experts, foreign teachers should take
part in professional activities and academic symposium actively which are
carried out by Education and Institute of the Ministry of Research Group or the
Department ; discuss teaching problems with Chinese teachers , and put forward
suggestions for teaching improvement.
第十五条 外专、外教应积极参加所在教学院部的学科组或教研室组织的业务活动和学术讨论会,与中国教师共同商讨教学问题,对教学提出改进意见。
16 Foreign experts, foreign teachers shall not be late for class and leave
early, or be absent for class or change classes at will. If there is reasonable
excuse to change classes, foreign teachers should report to teaching affairs
department and leaders in writing form at least one day in advance; in special
cases, call the related administrator at least two hours in advance and get the
approval of the leaders; more than three days’ leave should be signed by the teaching
department and report to the office of International Exchange and Cooperation
for approval. In case of changing classes in the whole college for holidays or
other events, foreign teachers should obey the college’s unified arrangements. In
the case of sick leave, please hand in certificates for sick leave issued by
the medical department.
Foreign experts, foreign teachers’ substituting
class, changing class or asking for leave should be subject to the following procedures
for examination and approval:
1. fill in the application form as required.
2. to apply and get approval of his teaching departments and leaders of
teaching affairs two days ahead.
3. Foreign experts, foreign teachers ask for leave or change class may not
exceed three times each semester, each time no more than one day.
The following circumstances shall not be approved:
1) tourism
2) part-time or engage in other business activities unrelated to school
第十六条 外专、外教上课不得迟到早退,不得旷课,不得随意调课。如有正当理由确需调课,至少提前一天,以书面形式报请教学部门及教务处领导批准;如遇特殊情况,至少提前两小时主动通过电话联络合作教师报请学院领导批准;三天以上由教学部门领导签署意见后报国际交流合作处批准。如遇节假日或其他活动而进行的全校性调课,服从学校统一安排;如是病假,请上交由医疗部门出具病假证明.
Article 17 If foreign experts, foreign teachers violate
the provisions of the above on the substituting, changing the class or asking
for leave, the office of international exchange and cooperation may sound a
written warning to them and deduct some class fee according to the contract
signed between foreign teachers and school.
第十七条 外专、外教违反以上关于代课、调课或者请假的规定,国合处在与外教所在学院协商后,可以向该外专、外教发出书面警告,并根据外教与学校签订的合同扣除课时费。
Article 18 If foreign experts and foreign teachers are
late or leave early without cause more than three times, the relevant college
should put forward a written warning to them and send copies to The office of
International exchange and cooperation, Office of Academic Affairs for the record.
The following reasons are excluded from the written
Force Majeure: such as fires, traffic accidents, robbery
and other reasons which lead to foreign teachers’ being late for class; but
foreign teachers have the obligation to prove their reasons;
第十八条 外专、外教无故迟到、早退两项累计超过三次,外专、外教所在学院应当向该外教提出书面警告并送交复印件给国合处、教务处备案。
Article 19 Foreign teacher can travel on holiday, but can
not take up teaching time. Please do not go to the forbidden areas and
photo/video in the no photo/video area to avoid unnecessary troubles.
第十九条 外教可以利用节假日外出旅游,但不能占用教学时间。请不要去非开放地区,也不要在禁止摄影、摄像的地方摄影、摄像,以免给自己带来不必要的麻烦。
Article 20 Please pay attention to traffic safety, personal safety, property security and dietetic hygiene security when
foreign experts and teachers go out to purchase goods, visit relatives and friends, and go
out on weekend.
第二十条 外专、外教当外出采购物品、探亲访友时,或者外出度周末时,请注意交通安全、人身钱财安全及饮食卫生安全。
Article 21 School provides campus housing for foreign
experts and teachers (excluding professional foreign teachers), including a bedroom,
living room, bathroom and kitchen that is equipped with cooling, heating, showering, television and other electrical appliances, furniture, and bedding. They will pay the full price for anything damaged or lost. Please save water and electricity
(school provides 300 KWH electricity for free), foreign experts
and teachers pay for the additional part of electricity
each month by themselves. Communication fee is at their own expense.
第二十一条 学校为外专、外教(专业外教除外)提供校内住房,内有卧室、客厅、卫生间、厨房工作间,配备了降温、取暖、洗澡、电视等电器设施及家具、卧具,如损坏或丢失须照价赔偿。请节约使用水电(学校免费提供300度电),超出校方每月给予的额度部分,外专、外教自理。通讯费用自理。
Article 22 Foreign experts and teachers should take good
care of all the items in the apartment, keep clean while using the indoor
living facilities safely. Do not raise any animals. Do not re-equip/install electrical line, electrical
appliances and so on. Do well in preventing fire
and burglary in coordination with the office of International Communication and
Security Department.
第二十二条 外专、外教应爱护公寓内一切物品,保持清洁卫生,安全使用室内生活设施,不饲养任何动物,不擅自改装、安装线路、电器等,配合国合处及保卫部门做好防火、防盗。
Article 23 Apartments for foreign experts and teachers
can be lived only by themselves except for their family members’ visit and they can not let opposite sex
friends stay overnight in their houses.
Comply with the school's schedule and return to school no later than 11:00PM.
第二十三条 学校为专家、外教提供的住房只供其本人居住,除其家庭成员来访外,不得留宿其他人员,尤其是不得在自己公寓留宿异性。遵守学校的作息时间,晚上外出回校最晚不迟于十一点。
Article 24 Vehicle use of foreign teachers' work/life should
be implemented in accordance with the school’s contract agreements. In
addition, foreign teachers should be responsible for themselves in the case of their personal vehicle use. If there are
some emergent circumstances to use vehicle, please put
forward to the Foreign Affairs Office, and
let Foreign Affairs Office act accordingly.
第二十四条 外教的工作、生活需用车辆按照与学校的合同协议执行,除此之外,如因私需用车辆时, 由本人处理。如遇到紧急情况需使用车辆,请向外事办提出,由其协商校方酌情处理。
Article 25 Foreign experts and teachers can get an
expertise report signed by the Dean of his college and the Director of the office of International Exchange and Cooperation together
when they completed the contract. The college will commend the foreign teacher
whose teaching performance is remarkable; and
the office of International Exchange and Cooperation can recommend excellent
foreign teachers to apply for the Lushan Award. However the school reserves the right to terminate
the contract ahead of time if their teaching is not serious, and can not
complete the teaching task after 3 times of
warning and to dismiss them fromChinaat their own expense.
第二十五条 外专、外教完成合同离任前,可得到一份由所在学院院长和国合处处长共同签署的鉴定书。教学成绩显著者,所在学院将给予表彰;成绩卓越者国合处可推荐其申报庐山奖;教学不认真,不能完成教学任务者,经3次教育无效,学校有权提前解除合同,予以辞退,离华费用由受聘方自理。
Article 26 All kinds of documents and expert certificates
which are issued to foreign experts and teachers shall be returned to the office
of International exchange and Cooperation in time before leavingChina;
the residence permit will be taken back by the Frontier Inspection Station when
foreign teachers exit from china.
第二十六条 发给外专、外教的各种证件专家证在离华前应及时交回国合处;居留证由外教随身携带,出境时由边防检查站收回。
Article 27 Foreign experts and teachers should pay
attention to personal safety, take good care of passports, residence permits,
and other important documents. Do not store large amounts of cash in the room or
in their pockets.
第二十七条 注意个人安全,妥善保管好护照、居留证等重要证件。不要在房间、身上存放大量现金。
Article 28 Foreign experts and teachers should get to
school or leave school according to the school's requirement, do not be late
for class or leave school early. If there are some special circumstances, they
should obtain the prior consent of the office of international exchange and
cooperation and leaders of their teaching colleges.
第二十八条 根据学校要求到校或离校,不推迟到校或提前离校。如有特殊情况,事先征得国合处与院部领导批准。
Article 29 The final authority of the code is subject to
the office of International exchange and cooperation.
第二十九条 本守则的最终解释权在我校国际交流合作处。